Category Archives: blackflies

Typing and Rocking at the same time…


On a rainy day we set up a little tent in our living room. I went upstairs with Zaley and when I came down mo had moved all the craft stuff into the tent and was making a piggy bank.

… this is what we’ve been doing outside instead of gardening…

Dancing in puddles – need I say more?

So, it has been awhile. I have to say life is BUSY. But good. I’ve been working on a friends wedding invite package and my printer is so unbearably slow it is driving me nutty. I am sitting here, typing, rocking my babe with my foot and ignoring the dishes in the sink – though soon they will come to get me.

It is a beautiful day out – but the BLACKFLIES have started up already. This morning Mo and I were kicking the ball around and they were already biting. UGH. We have not yet started on the planting in the garden yet – and it seems late – though it is still only April – so I think I can take that one a bit slower. Things are a LOT harder to get around to with a busy 4 year old and a baby who can only tolerate being outside for so long… She is wonderful for sure, but at 7 weeks she spends an average of 2-4 hours outside a day… is that too much?

Thing is, I NEED to be out, right now it is killing me being inside, but I have work to do, so here I am. We will be going for a walk shortly though I think – and hopefully I will move fast enough to get away from the bugs.

As for cloth diapering – we are still at it! Though I must confess, I have switched to disposables at night… she sleeps much better, thus – so do I. Hopefully we can switch back again, but for now we are in survival mode and sleep is key. One thing I do have to say though is – cloth diapers never blow out. I think I have already saved several loads of laundry from blowouts that cover everything (including me) – so another point for cloth.

And, last night I actually got to sketch, only for 5 minutes, but it is a start. We are figuring out how to get both the kiddies down by 8:00… tricky, but we’re getting there. Once that happens perhaps some of my brain will return home and I can think again!