Category Archives: dinosaur

Done like… the DINOSAURS!


I have had a rip roaring good time illustrating this book – Don’t Invite Dinosaurs to Dinner –  it is the most art in the shortest amount of time I have ever done (my own fault) I promised I could. This one is written by Neil Griffiths and will be published by Red Robin Books this fall. Here are some images!

Lavender, tutus and dancing dinosaurs…

Today, mucking about in the garden we had the loveliest surprise… Lavender – the smell wafting around our feet. After a very long winter, we’ve FINALLY been out weeding, planning and preparing for this year’s growing season. This year is so much different with Baby Z loving being outside and mucking around with her big bro.

Here is some new art for the book – Don’t invite Dinosaurs to dinner (coming this fall) and my new venture – making tutu’s (did you know I moonlight as a Fairy Godmother?).
I can’t wait to post pictures of the new ones I have just made, all golds and red – and I’ve put a few surprises into the other ones… so if you know of any twirling kiddies, I may have just the thing for them!
I hope you are enjoying this first taste of spring (at least here) as well.

The End of the Dinosaurs


With all of the focus shifting to graphic novels (this is a graphic picture book I guess), I thought I would post one of my most fun books – written by Susan Hughes and published by Scholastic, here are some images from The End of the Dinosaurs – a comic strip. Narrated by a cockroach. I never realize how much character a cockroach could have, till I had to feature them in not one, but two books.