Category Archives: reading

Valentines and the Value of reading with Dad.

It used to be that bedtime was a family ritual, that is, before there were four of us. We would take turns reading, all snuggled into our sons double bed. We’d tell stories in the dark and it was our time together, to end the day. When our daughter was born, I had to leave this cosy time – and join another one. Now, at bedtime, I listen to my husband and son reading together as I quietly nursnuggle (thanks Elaine) my little one… and I am amazed. The power a dad has when he reads with a child, esp a boy – is tremendous. He waits patiently for him to sound out the words. He reads the books that our son chooses and he never gets sucked into ‘just one more book’. It is three Picture books, or chapters from a ‘big kid book’. As I lie there, I think – he is teaching him – and doing it so well.

I miss it, and part of me looks forward to the time we can go back and forth, getting each child’s special time – but for now, I will listen. It brings tears to my eyes I love it so much.

Then there is Valentine’s day – and I wonder – when did loot bags start getting handed out? Seriously people! Kids don’t need that junk, you know. However, I did bake cookies – lol. So I guess I am just as bad. Mo and I worked on valentines on monday (not a school day). I did give him the option of going in to ‘buy’ some, and he said NO. “Homemade one’s are better, and we don’t need to go shopping every day!” Amen to that little wise man. I will keep that one close.

Day One: Marysville P.S. Wolfe Island

Finishing up my first day of a two-day literacy workshop at Marysville Public School. Digesting what I learned, and hoping that the kids had fun. They certainly were excited! We’re re-telling the folk tale the Enormous Potato… what they came up with was awesome – A leprochaun stuck in a pot of gold, the earth getting stuck in a black hole, an a moose stuck in a tree.. today they brainstormed, worked out the stories and started sketching – they are looking good!

A lovely school, small and intimate. Lovely teachers, funny kids. Looking forward to painting on Wednesday.

This is the first time I’ve done such a large group – so I hope it turns out well!

Felted Characters from In The Snow


So, I like to craft. I especially like to needlefelt. I find it relaxing, and it is something I can do that is creative that for me does not involve a lot of thinking once I know what I am doing… And, I also love to create things to take with me to book readings. The idea is to get the children to interact with my books in a tactile and fun way. For the young children this really seems to work. So, I give you Mowat and his GINORMOUS snowman…

When we were walking down the road


I am doing my very first bookstore event this coming weekend. Today was my birthday and we decided to go to Belleville and toot around downtown for a bit, and we came to the bookstore – Greenley’s books On Front Street (best bookstore ever), and they were starting to put up a window display of my book (okay, so I knew they were there, and wanted to see, but absolutely did not expect this!) Here are some pics, I am so honoured, and so very glad I am working with these folks, they are warm, friendly – and BOY do they know books. No website that I could find though – bummer.