Category Archives: felting

from felt to illustration – a walk through this creative process

Here is the original felted piece for Henny Penny. It is needlefelted onto flat felt from a sketch.
Here is Henny after my first foray into Painter 12 (gotta say I LOVE this program) with my teensy WACOM tablet.
Then I thought I’d see what happened when I put Henny on an illustration I painted previously – just to see how it looked. 

Moments of Weakness, forgetfulness and general ineptitude…


We all have them.

I, for one, am completely disorganized right now. I could blame it on baby brain, really it has gotten much, much. much worse than it was. Perhaps it is the late nights I am pulling trying to get everything done. Perhaps it is the lack of sleep from going to the bathroom every five minutes. I am not sure, anyway, things are getting lost along the way. I have failed to recognize that I cannot continue the pace I worked prior to getting pregnant with #2, and to add to it all, I GROSSLY underestimated the volume of work involved in being a college professor. Which, I also need to add – I ABSOLUTELY Love, and would love even more if it weren’t sandwiched into my full-time job. I got my feet wet this semester, and I am hooked.

So, now, let’s just say I am doing some serious catch up.

I am late on some book illustrations – and I am feeling just terrible about it. I had a bout with a BAAAD flu in the midst of it and was out of commission for over a month, and I am still not convinced I have fully recovered. This is the first time anything like this has happened… and I am contrite. They are nearing the finished state for sure, but I really feel like I let the publisher down.

I have many manuscripts and dummys ‘hanging’… I think they may have to wait until after baby is born and my head is slightly clearer (haha).

Christmas cards – usually a highlight of my holidays – I have yet to send any out. Now it is too late, so I will be doing an e-card version – hopefully everyone will understand.

And then there is the living, I need time with my son, and my husband. This is some of the fruits of our labour this weekend… more felted soap. I am hooked on this craft too. These are so soft and lovely in the tub – natural exfoliation… just amazing.


And I require outside time, in a big bad way. So on Sunday, which was lovely – after spending the entire morning crafting with my son – we went for an epic walk… during which I suffered some serious braxton hicks contractions… and my little guy came over and kissed my tummy to make it feel better. Only 8 more weeks to go till our baby girl is due, and I am trying not to panic about the state of our house. These holidays are going to be mostly dedicated to getting set up for the little one – for me anyway. Shawn is going to continue his renovation work on our back room – he says we may even have our new windows in next week. I can’t wait.

Felting Soap with a 4 Year old


I stumbled upon this great craft to do with kids. I am always on the lookout for something new and crafty that a young child can do with some success and minimal intervention from me. SO this morning we sat down to do this:
(You can find links with directions all over the web – as well as amazing examples from folks who do this for a living… I think we’ll just keep it in the family, but we will definitely be making more in the very near future. If you do not have a barrel of felt lying around you can buy kits here:

We bought some beautiful locally made soaps (goat’s milk and pomegranate) at the Roblin General Store, chopped them in half and set about wrapping them up with the piles of felt I do have actually lying around… about an hour later we had these beautiful little gifts for Mo’s loves and he was having a blast with the bowl full of water and the bamboo mat – which became a marvelous bridge for his vehicles, and just tippy enough for them to fall in and need rescuing. So by the end, we were clean, the cars were clean and together we made something beautiful. At least I think they are.

Felted Characters from In The Snow


So, I like to craft. I especially like to needlefelt. I find it relaxing, and it is something I can do that is creative that for me does not involve a lot of thinking once I know what I am doing… And, I also love to create things to take with me to book readings. The idea is to get the children to interact with my books in a tactile and fun way. For the young children this really seems to work. So, I give you Mowat and his GINORMOUS snowman…